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Frequently Asked Questions

Mountain topWhat is “Rose Psychology” all about?

“Rose Psychology,” based on the psychological teachings of Richard Rose, is a practical, comprehensive common sense ways and means that any person can use to find peace of mind and mental clarity. The goal is to permanently rid an individual of the things that are troubling them mentally once the source of that mental turmoil is discovered.

Where does a person start if they want to work on their problems?

A person starts by first admitting to themselves that they have a mental problem which is not going away. They have to recognize that there is a mental dichotomy within themselves caused by their mental problem, whether it be a mood, a state of mind, an ego, or an obsession that is causing the mental turmoil for the whole self.

What does a person practically do?

Once a person admits that they have a mental problem or trouble, they need to look within themselves, and while observing their interior mind when they are troubled, be able to identify what the trouble is. They become their own psychologist by meditating upon their own mind and personality in order to get a glimpse of or view of that part of themselves which is the mental trouble and what part of themselves is that which is observing, and then review from memory past episodes of mental turmoil and compare those to what is being observed directly. Every person is their own best psychologist because only they can view the mental interior of their own mind directly. If a person thinks that it is impossible to sit and look at their own mind, then they haven’t really tried.

How does a person start working on themselves psychologically?

The first step of psychological work that comes about from observing the mind when it is troubled is, as was mentioned above, to identify the trouble and come up with an accurate diagnosis. A person has to know what theproblem is. Is the problem that is causing one’s Snow tracksmental turmoil the result of an ego, such as narcissism or a conceit; a fear or inhibition caused by a past traumatic event; a physical addiction that has a mental component such as drugs or alcohol; a personality complex that is the source of social incompatibility or incompatibility with the opposite sex; apredominant sexual reverie associated with a particular sex act; or a compulsion or obsession that has come to dominate a person’s thinking? A person has to admit, recognize, study, analyze, and understand their mental problem before taking steps to remove it. Denying that it is a mental problem simply means attempting to adjust to a lifetime of mental dichotomy and misery, as the problem will not just go away.

Should a person give up other therapeutic avenues to concentrate on “Rose Psychology?”

A person should only give up other therapeutic avenues if they feel that it is not curing them of their mental problem. Many therapies deny that a cure is possible and rely on long-term treatment to help a person learn to live with and adjust to their condition of internal mental dichotomy. The treatment is ultimately nothing more than masking the real internal problem by treating the outward symptoms. Therapy should produce a result that is a cure for the problem, which Rose believed is possible. Anything less is really trial and error guesswork posing as therapy.

What kind of mental problems did Rose believe to be applicable for his psychological method?

Rose believed that a person could work on every kind of mental problem that is not organic by nature, resulting from physical damage or illness to the brain or nervous system. Everything from problems due to conflicting moods, negative states of mind, fears, desire, compulsions, personality dysfunction, traumatic experiences, social incompatibility, addictions and sexually-related obsessions can, to name a few, be worked on by a person and a cure from that problem be found, when that problem is the source of the person’s mental turmoil.

What is the main therapeutic method of “Rose Psychology?”

“Rose Psychology” works by using a ways and means to subtract or remove from the person’s being, meaning their body and mind together, the root or source of the mental problem. It is a common sense subtractive method that takes away the problem by reversing the manner in which the person acquired the mental trouble that was adding a thought-pattern or complex to their mind as a result of some experience that initially caused the mental dichotomy.

What are the ways and means of Rose Psychology? How does it work?

The ways and means of “Rose Psychology” is a ten-step method by which a person can work on themselves, detailed in the book, The Sex Connection by Alan Fitzpatrick. It involves both mental and physical discipline that a person must follow for a period of time to obtain results. A cure results when the mental problem is purged once and for all, just as a splinter is removed from the finger by reversing the manner in which it initially entered the flesh.

Is “Rose Psychology” limited to dealing with sexual problems?

While Rose believed that the majority of a person’s mental problems can be attributed to a sex connection to a particular sexual act that has had a negative impact upon the person’s mind, Rose’s psychology is not limited tosexually-related problems. As has been Depressionstated, it can be applied with success to ego problems, social incompatibility, dominant negative moods and states of mind, and all sorts of other types of personality dysfunction with success.

How does a person break the sex connection?

There is only one way to break the sex connection to mental problems, and that is by means of the reversal technique. Neither drug therapy, psychotherapy nor behavioral therapeutic techniques will work unless the root of the problem—the sexual act that the person is indulging in—is physically stopped and the mental reverie associated with the sex act is removed, and prevented from returning.

Richard Rose wrote several books and gave many lectures over a period of thirty years.
A selection of these various works can be viewed at the Richard Rose Teachings site.


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